I started my own Pilates journey as a way to continue to rehab post PT after my ankle surgery. I regained mobility and strength in my ankle, my whole body was much stronger, leaner and more flexible than ever. I was hooked!

A few years later, in 2006, I was accepted into Romana’s Pilates Instructor Training program and studied primarily under Juanita Lopez, a dedicated devoted, Level I, Master Instructor and Rhonda Celenza , Level II, Instructor Trainer, who is one of the fiercest protectors of the work.

My greatest professional learning experiences were the classes I was able to attended with Romana Kryzanowska, Joseph Pilates protégé. It was a joy to be in a room with her. She was a remarkable woman, a force, full of positivity and light. She had piercing eyes and when she spoke, and one did well to listen. There was something so magnetic about her, especially as a teacher, that begged a student to please her.

Romana said to me after a full day of sitting under her teaching, (at Janice Dulak’s studio in Champaign, IL,) “You do very well, my dear”. It was the only encouragement I needed to continue to dedicate my professional career to learning, teaching others and “doing well” as I seek to share the method she, and others have passed down through this brilliant body of work that was left by the genius, Joseph Pilates.

Pilates has been life changing for me. It has spurred much more than recovery from an injury that started my journey all those years ago, I am better for it.